Hello Fellow Democrats,
Now that President Obama has outlined his agenda for the year in his State of the Union address, I think it is safe to say the 2012 presidential campaign is officially underway!
Union County Democrats will gather this week and part of our discussion will be about the 2012 campaign. Please join us Wednesday, February 1st, from 5 to 6 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Sac Annex at 105 Fir Street.
Here are some key items on our agenda:
Treasurer’s Report
Report from our MLK Day Social
Oregon CD1 Election Results
State Central Committee Meeting, February 25th & 26th
State Platform Convention, April 21st & 22nd
(we are allotted 5 delegates and 3 alternates)
Precinct Committeeperson Elections
(filing dates are February 1 through March 6, 2012)
Reactions to President’s SOTU
Campaign 2102
As always, your participation is welcome so please join us.
Thanks... see you on Wednesday, February 1st!
Glen Scheele
Chair, Union County Democrats