Using our Volunteer and Voter Databases (Van & GetActive)

Two databases are available to the Washington county democrats. We need volunteers who are willing to generate precinct lists and email them to our pcp's who request them. Volunteer lists can also be generated and delivered for organizing purposes (House district meetings or newsletters). The goal is that each house district have a designated database user who can generate and deliver these lists.


Once you get your account, here are some instructions on doing the basic functions (you probably wont need all of these). Contact the chair or vice chair (Lupita or Steve) to get an account.



Van: (Voter Database)

This is a statewide database of all registered voters, it can be used to lookup voters and generate precinct lists 

Create a precinct voter list and email it to recipient

Search on a voter:

Get Active (Volunteer Database)

This is our volunteer database, it is used to generate a list of PCPs or other volunteers that can then be printed or emailed. 

Generate List of PCPs and update website


Insert a new volunteer

Search for volunteers

Edit a volunteers record (search then edit)

  • under 'data Management' click 'List Management'
  • click ‘Subset of Members’
  • Click the check boxes for each criteria to search on
  • (usually you want to click ‘US Geographic and Political Information so you can then select restrict by county or political district on the next page. You can also select ‘party affiliation’ or ‘van_precinct’ or ‘pcp’ or any other criteria)
  • press ‘continue’
    • select ‘oregon’
    • click ‘Further restrict by political district’ or ‘further restrict by county’
    • click ‘select members’
    • select the ‘house district’, ‘county’ or other criteria
    • click ‘continue’
    • click ‘refresh’ until the job completes
    • sort the list by last name, click 'next' until you see the name you want to edit
    • click the name
    • click 'Edit Record Member'
    • make your changes and press 'Save'

Send email to a list of volunteers (House District Newsletter)